Pawleys Island Gun Dogs
Preserving the Breed
About Us
At Pawleys Island Gun Dogs, we have been slowly, methodically building our foundation
to be recognized as a trusted, reputable breeder of Labrador Retrievers & Spinone Italiano
in beautiful Pawleys Island, SC.
We breed for quality, health, temperament and take our commitment to safeguarding
and following ancient breed standards very seriously.
Our dogs are are first and foremost, our loving family members.
"Purebred dogs are history and art. They are beauty and brains. They are living, breathing conduits to our past and to our future. They are our heart and our soul…and they are so much more." L.R.
Our Dogs
Webfoot's Yellow-Tailed Blackbeard SH CGC TD
Proven Sire / Standing Stud
The Labrador is a retrieving gun dog of medium size, with a dense, water-resistant coat, an "otter" tail, and a clean-cut head with a "kind" expression. The first Labradors arrived in England from Newfoundland aboard fishing boats early in the 19th century, and imports to America began in the early 1900's. Labrador temperament is outgoing, indulgent with peers, human-oriented and tractable. Labradors can be found in guide and assistance dog programs, and substance detection and search and rescue work. Since 1992, the Labrador Retriever has headed the list as the most popular breed in the U.S.
The Spinone is a versatile hunting dog of ancient heritage, with origins in northern Italy. Suited for working in all climates and all terrains, he is a cautious hunter who follows the scent, moving ever so gradually and proceeding with utmost discretion. His prey stops and he stops; the prey moves again, and the pursuit resumes. He moves with an easy, free moving trot, geared for endurance. He is an excellent swimmer and a model retriever. The Spinone is a large, rugged dog of distinctive appearance, with a hard-textured, weather-resistant coat, longer eyebrows, beard and mustache, and eyes described as human-like.
Bellaebravo Happy Camper SH CGC TD
IntCh Pawleys Island Gun Dogs
S.S. Tugboat SH DJ CGC
Proven Sire / Standing Stud
Tugboat, Teach's son, continues to impress everyone who has the privilege to work with him. This lad has a rugged, robust personality with a incredible, natural drive to retrieve
Tugboat exudes confidence and desire to please. He earned his AKC Junior Hunter title in December 2021 and his AKC Senior Hunter title in October 2022.
2023 Tugboat was introduced to dock diving
and has proven a natural. He is looking forward to adding a dock diving title in 2024.
GCHB CH Bellaebravo Happy Feet
2024 SCOA Parent Club Specialty
Award of Merit
2023 National Standing
#11National Owner-Handled Spinone
Top 20 NOHS Spinone
AKC Grand Champion Bronze
2022 National Standings
#5 National Owner-Handled Spinone
Select Bitch Westminster Kennel Club
Lyndhurst Mansion, Tarrytown, NY
Top 20 / Top 20 NOHS Spinone
2022 Natonal Stand
2021 National Standings
#8 Spinone Italiano
#2 National Owner-Handled Spinone
AOM SCOA Parent Club Specialty
BOS Morris & Essex
Top 20 / Top 20 NOHS Spinone
AOM Royal Canin AKC
National Championship, Orlando, FL
RBIS Owner-Handled 2021
Multiple Owner-Handled Group Placements
Gia is a beautiful breed representative.
She is sweet and extremely confident.
GCH CH IntCh Collina d'Oro Big
Sky's Yellowstone at Pawleys Island Gun Dogs JH NAVHDA NA III CGC
Dutton joined the Pawleys Island Gun Dogs family in October 2022 from breeder, Collina d'Oro Spinone of Grants Pass, Oregon. Dutton has an impressive family tree and has some huge paws to live up to! This one is going to be one to watch....stay tuned.
2023 National Standing
AKC Champion
#4 National Owner Handled Spinone
Top 20 NOHS Spinone
2024 SCOA National Specialty
Best in Gun Dog Sweepstakes
Best Overall in Gun Dog Sweepstakes
Best of Opposite NS Sweepstakes
Best of Opposite PC Sweepstakes
Int/Nat SR CH Pawleys Island Gun Dogs Pretty Woman CGC TKN
Vivian, along with her Pawleys Island Gun Dogs Pretty Woman littermates, are making history as the first US born litter sired by Italian import "Wess" from reknown breeder, Giacomo Bini.
Affectionately known in the whelping box as "Food Truck", Vivian was never shy at the milk bar and quickly outpaced her brothers and sisters in size.
Bright, social and self-assured, Vivian is thoughtful in her approach to life's new adventures.
Vivian's soulful expressions along with her regal appearance remind us the old world, rustic Spinoni treasured as versatile hunting dogs by generations of Italians.
Pawleys Island Gun Dogs Miss DeLuca
Kit, another keeper from our Pawleys Island Gun Dogs Pretty Woman litter, was our "bonus puppy". While the smallest at birth, she made up for it quickly and is by far one of the more adventurous. She is independent, lively and very birdy. Kit is beautifully marked and has her mother's beautiful, soft expression.
We are excited to watch Kit grow up and have high hopes in the field and in the ring for this little gal.
Teach x Bristol Litter
Grand Champion Bronze 2023
NOHS Silver 2022
Westminster Kennel Club Select Bitch
Multiple Owner-Handled Group Placements
SCOA National Specialty Award of Merit 2024
SCOA NOHS Top Twenty Qualifier 2024
"Welcome to Hollywood. What's Your Dream?"
Parentage confirmed by DNA
2022 Low Country Love Litter
Whelped 01/29/2023
3 brown roan puppies, 1 male and 2 females
OHBIS GCH CH IntCH Collina d'Oro Big Sky's Yellowstone
at Pawleys Island Gun Dogs JH NAVHDA NA III
Group Placing, Multiple OH Group Placing
This stunning young pup came out strong at his showing debut in BPUP in Florida - 2 Puppy Sporting Group 1st Placements!
Following-up with a BPUP in South Carolina - Puppy Sporting Group 2nd Placement.
His first weekend out in the regular classes, 6-9 months, in North Carolina he came out swinging earning both of his Majors, WD BOW, earning BOS over a Special, racking up a total of 9 points over 3 days,
3 Owner-Handled BOB and an Owner Handled Group 4th Placement!
Continuing his unbelievable batting average, at just 8 months old, Dutton finished his AKC Championship with a grand slam going BOB twice over a Special, Sporting Group 2nd, OH Group 2nd, OH Group 1st and OH BIS!
Finishing out 2023 strong, Dutton was awarded a NAVHDA NA Prize III, twice!
2024 Starting with a BANG!
January 2024: #2 in Spinone Breed Standings and #3 in All Breed Standings
February 2024: AKC Junior Hunter Title
May 2024: Spinone Club of America National & Parent Club Specialties:
Best of Breed Gun Dog Sweepstakes
Best Overall in Gun Dog Sweepstakes
Best of Opposite to Best in Breed in NS Puppy Sweepstakes
Best of Opposite to Best in Breed in PC Puppy Sweepstakes
September 2024: IABCA International Championship
October 2024: AKC Grand Champion
Int/NatSRCH Pawleys Island Gun Dogs Pretty Woman CGC
"Vivian Grace"
"True beauty is timeless." Marilyn Monroe
The future of Pawleys Island Gun Dogs looks bright indeed!
Labrador Retriever is a type of gun dog that retrieves game for a hunter. Generally gun dogs are divided into three major classifications: retrievers, flushing spaniels, and pointing breeds. Retrievers were bred primarily to retrieve birds or other prey and return them to the hunter without damage; retrievers are distinguished in that nonslip retrieval is their primary function. As a result, retriever breeds are bred for soft mouths and a great willingness to please, learn, and obey.
Spinone Italiano is recognized as a versatile hunting dog. NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) defines the “versatile hunting dog” as one that is bred and trained to dependably hunt and point game, and both track and retrieve on land or water. The versatile breeds were developed to give hunters one dog to use on a variety of game in a variety of environments, as opposed to having a kennel full of “specialty” dogs bred for one type of hunt or skill. Whereas many hunters expand breed purposes by hunting upland birds with retrievers or using their flushing dogs to retrieve ducks, the Italian Spinoni are trained for land and water work intentionally and simultaneously.
Dog shows (conformation events) are intended to evaluate breeding stock. The size of these events ranges from large all-breed shows, with over 3,000 dogs entered, to small local specialty club shows, featuring a specific breed. The dog’s conformation (overall appearance and structure), is an indication of the dog's ability to produce quality puppies.